So many wonderful things have happened to me ever since I started this site. Unfortunately, I was not able to document everything day by day, and now I need to catch up on a lot of things. If you knew me two or three years ago and you have not seen me since then, you would probably think that you are talking to a different person.
As I look back and read my previous posts, I chanced upon a post I made last May 2011 (you may read the post here). My last two paragraphs read:
“What I have realized at this point is that maybe, God is telling me that I still haven't surrendered everything to Him. I want to, but I still don't trust Him enough to believe that He can give me anything if He wants to and that He has a great plan in store for me and my family if only I let Him manage my life for me.
The next time I speak my mind, I am hoping I would have a better understanding of what I need to do with my life. For now, the best thing I can probably do is to learn how to let go of all my worries and just have complete faith that God has a bigger plan, and that I am one of the major players in His plan.“
I am just amazed at how God really answers our prayers. It just so happens that most of the time, we just forget about praying about something that we do not appreciate when God gives us what we prayed for. On my part, I honestly do not remember having written this almost three years ago. I am happy I did because now I have something to look back to.
Last week, my husband and I attended a 2-day leadership conference with the theme: “All His.” The conference focused the importance of surrendering all aspects of one’s life to God. I am grateful that ever since I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, God has always been faithful and He was always with me. He never failed to take care of me and pull me back whenever I went astray and away from the rest of His flock.

The conference reminded me and my husband that we need to surrender everything to God in order for us to experience the best plans He has for us. This is easier said than done. It is easy to say that I surrender my time to God today and then forget to read the Bible and pray the following day. It is easy to say that I surrender my finances to God and not give back to Him through tithing and prioritize bills and other expenses. It is easy to say that I surrender my talents to Him and yet not use my skills and talents in order to glorify Him.
To show my gratitude, I am giving all of myself to Him. I end this post by sharing one of my favorite Christafari songs entitled “I Surrender All.” To God Be All the Glory!