
Merrick is Emo again!

"Life can never be free of pain but God will always give you the means to endure and survive. In the rush of events, you'll see that He's holding your hand at every moment."

I received this message from one of my friends a few days ago. When I received the message, I really wasn't sure if the message will be useful in my life. I just thought that it's something nice to keep in my inbox. But today, I realized that there's a reason why I didn't delete the message.

I've always had problems. Who doesn't anyway? But I've always managed to cope or think of ways to solve my problems. However, I feel really lost and helpless right now. And no matter how I try to come up with a feasible solution to solve my problem, I still can't come up with anything sensible. Add to that the fact that the other person involved does not show any signs of mutual cooperation to resolve the issue.

I don't have anything or anyone else to turn to but God. Yes, I have the option to talk to him about it, that is if he's really willing to sit down so that we can hear each other out and have a real conversation once and for all. I also have the option to seek some advice and guidance from good friends who will not be biased about the situation. But if his mindset about things does not change one bit, we can talk for hours and still not resolve anything.

A few years ago, I felt this way. And after a few months of feeling this way, we parted ways. I'm afraid that the same things are happening all over again. And I'm scared if I can still be brave enough the second time around. That's why I have no option but to turn to God for strength, courage, and wisdom. I know that nothing is impossible through Him and that if I just stay obedient and faithful, He will take care of the rest. I know that right now, He is trying to teach us something, I jsut don't know yet what it is. But I hope and pray I'll find out soon, and I will stay faithful that He'll be with me through it all, just as He has always been.

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